New to soccer in Saskatoon? Want more info about how it all works? Contact our Operations Coordinator anytime by email at or by phone at 306-361-SUSC (7872). We are here to help!
All players must register in RAMP. First you'll need a RAMP account. You can create one at the link below.
Developmental League - U7 and U9
The Zone Development League is for players registering in the U7 and U9 age groups seeking a higher level of development than what is currently offered in the Community Soccer League.
There is no tiering or selection process, but our technical committee will attempt to balance the teams to create a competitive balance. Training sessions are usually twice weekly, once a week in a station-based format with SUSC's Technical Coaches and once a week in a team-based format with Volunteer Coaches. Fun, physical literacy, and accommodating requests to play with friends is a priority.
Alliance League - U11 to U17/19
Alliance B1 and B2
The Alliance B division is divided into B1 and B2 groups. Players seeking a spot in the Alliance B league must attend Evaluations to be placed in either B1 or B2 according to their development status and experience. This program has higher costs than the City Rec League, and participants must attend one to two weekly practices. Coaches are appropriately certified volunteers. There is no assurance that friends will play on the same team.
Alliance A
The Alliance A division requires players to attend Evaluations, and the most experienced and competent players are invited to the Alliance A teams. Players must attend at least two practices per week. The environment is more demanding, and they will already have good proficiency in the game. There is no assurance that friends will play on the same team.
City Rec League - U11 to U17/19
Designed for those in the U11 to U19 age groups seeking a less demanding environment, the City Rec League provides a lower-cost program with one weekly optional practice. Beginner players, those needing time to develop in soccer, or those sampling various sports often prefer the City League program. Games are predominantly at the Henk Ruys facility, where the live boards reduce game stoppages and inherently provide training for faster reactions and agility. Coaches are Volunteer Parents who must meet Saskatchewan Soccer's Minimum Safe Sport Roster requirements. Players choosing this league will be invited to a City Rec Jamboree in late August and teams are balanced to create fairness in competition. Requests to play with friends are given priority.
Alliance Academy
The Alliance Academy is not part of the league structure and provides supplemental advanced training for U13 to U17/19. SUSC does not manage or run this program; information is available from Saskatoon Youth Soccer.
Additional Information
Refund Policy
*U5-U9 Community League is not offered by SUSC. Please contact your local Community Association for info about their programming.
Equipment Returns - Indoor Season Teams
Newsham Clubhouse, Riversdale Kiwanis Park
SUSC Volunteer Coaches please return your Indoor Season team equipment bags to Newsham Clubhouse Wednesday, March 12 OR Monday, ...
Equipment Returns - Indoor Season Teams
Newsham Clubhouse, Riversdale Kiwanis Park
SUSC Volunteer Coaches please return your Indoor Season team equipment bags to Newsham Clubhouse Wednesday, March 12 OR Monday, ...